Hello 2013. I hope everyone had a nice holiday season. It seems like they take forever to get here and then zip by as fast as a mongoose. Curt and I finally took our Christmas Tree down so the holiday season is officially over for us. I hope you enjoy this blog post. Happy Sunday!
For the first time in my working career I was going to get 12 days off from work. Thank you Christmas for landing on a Tuesday. Curt also was going to have the same days off as me. We weren't going to make any plans and just go with the flow. I was pretty excited for this vacation. Curt kept calling it our break but I had to remind him we weren't getting a Christmas break from school but a vacation. I'm pretty sure if my work gave me a Christmas vacation then I would be a much more productive worker. Anyway, Christmas came and throughout the day I noticed that I had a small sore throat but didn't think much about it. I woke up the next day without it so I thought I was magically cured. This was just a small joke my immune system was playing on me. It is like when you have the stomach flu and you empty your stomach once and think you just ate too much and you are fine because you feel so amazing and then about five minutes later you figure out that you are definitely NOT okay. I was feeling better until that evening when my sickness hit me like a tsunami wave. The amount of sneezes that came out of my body was unbelievable. I spent the rest of my vacation laying in bed trying to figure out how I could possibly manufacture so much snot in my head and why my body hated me so much. I had no idea people everywhere were sick so I guess the one good thing is that I got the sickness out of the way and I watched about 3 seasons of Gossip Girl... I told Curt that if I ever feel like that again then he should take me out back and end it.. He laughed and thought I was joking..... I was... kind of...
Since it is a new year I should join the millions of other people who make resolutions. Of course I should I should eat healthier, go the gym more and of course lose weight. I did go to the gym four days in the last week, which is better than my two months gym attendance combined.. Oops. Curt Byrd refuses to eat healthy at home. I really have no idea why he is 100% against having a somewhat healthy diet but he is. Pick your battles I guess. I'm trying to eat a healthy two meals before I come home to eat fried animals with Curt. My new idea is to eat cereal for breakfast with fruit. Thus far it is working well but who knows how long it will last. My only other resolution was to help more in the kitchen. I am not a fan at all of cooking. If I had to cook for myself everyday then I would live in PB&J and hot dogs and I wouldn't complain. Unfortunately Curt hates both. I'm hoping this year I will be a little better than a helpless duck in the kitchen. Who knows, we may come to your house and show up with a plate full of baked pizza rolls. :)
Curt and I have been having an ongoing debate over online dating. No, no we are not divorcing or in an open relationship. We have been debating whether or not we would get matched together randomly by a website. I keep joking that we would sign up for the free trail the website are advertising now for Valentine's Day. I think we would get matched together but Curt does not think we would get matched together. He would probably hope to get a nicer girl. I think it would be interesting to be a single girl on a website for dating. It would be like window shopping for men. Hello that would be fun! Fun until you actually have to go on a date. There would be no way I would want to go back to the dating world. Hello I am well past my prime. Besides, I usually like my husband. For all of the irritations we have with each other, we still have a special connection. I realized a couple of weeks ago that we really did have a special connection when I made a smart butt comment and he laughed really hard and no one else got it. This means we have to stay together because no one else thinks I am funny. :)
Thanks for reading my post today. Hopefully it wasn't too boring. Enjoy the rest of your day and stay away from germs.