Hello! Happy Sunday to everyone.. I find Sunday to be a tad depressing since it brings the end of the weekend. I always lay down on Sunday night before bed and Curt and I discuss where in the heck our weekend went and how did it go by so fast? I wish my work week went half as fast and I would be a happy duck. We had a pretty nice weekend, give or take a few moments. We had an awesome time last night hanging out with a group of our friends at a wedding reception back home. I think I am getting a little too old to have many more of awesome times like that.... Goodness! I hope everyone had a nice weekend also. The weather here in Missouri was so beautiful that it made it almost impossible to have a nice weekend if you were outside. I do have one complaint, my Cardinals are still driving up a wall by losing 7 out of 9.. Don't they know what this does to me?! Oh well, at least I am not a Cubbies fan and have to deal with a 100+ years of losing. :) Okay back to moral of my blog post. As always, I hope you enjoy! Leave a comment if you feel the need. I love getting them!
Relationships... To some this is a happy word, to some this is a naughty word but to all this is a complicated word.. If you are reading this and don't think relationships are complicated then you should stop reading now and go back to your fantasy land. :) I think Curt and I have a pretty healthy relationship. We agree on all the big issues which are a must for a couple (kids, family, lifestyle habits, etc). It would be a lie if I told you that we agree on every small issue in life. For instance, I like to go to bed early and and Curt insists on going to be later.. After almost a year of marriage we still argue about this and if I were a betting duck I would place my duck money on this being an ongoing fight for the rest of our years together. I like eating dinner at the table while Curt likes to eat dinner at the couch. I like to be early to events and Curt likes to be beyond fashionably late.. UGH! This drives me nuts! I think being late to events is rude while he thinks it is normal.. I will admit he is getting a little better at not being late probably because of the many scoldings he has received over the past 8 years of hanging out with me.. Hopefully in the next 8 years we will be on time somewhere.. One can only hope..
I do have to admit that it is probably a little hard to be married to Hannah.. There is usually about one time every month or two when I go into what Curt calls crazy girl mode.. I totally deny it to his face but since he is not supposed to be reading this blog I will admit that it is probably true.. Take yesterday for example, we were having a really good morning. We go up and worked together great to do some tasks/projects/cleaning which we had been putting off for awhile.. I will admit it, I am so not a clean freak.. Dusting is not my best thing.. Sorry Mom.. Okay Hannah, back to the subject.. Curt and I were getting along fine all morning. I went to pick out an outfit for the wedding reception that evening and then crazy girl hit. I was in a sad mood because I didn't feel like I had anything to wear that did not make me look like a giant fat hog. I was upset by my closet to logically I asked Curt to pick out a shirt he thought I should wear.. He picked out this shirt that I had told him several times that I hated because it made me look fat and that was it. I was crazy Hannah with an emotional outburst.. It is funny now because the fight it over but you should have seen the look of confusion on his face when I started getting crazy emotional over a shirt he picked out in my closet.. I had to say that it was probably not the easiest job in the worlds to be married to me and calm me down at that moment.. It took awhile of us going through every item in my closet and then finally picking out a shirt.. If you know Curt, you know fashion is not his best thing so not only was my crying emotional self torture for him but going through my closet was just icing on top.. I don't normally apologize for being a girl but yesterday was an exception to the rule.. I still hate the clothes in my closet but I know it is not his fault and I can't take it out on him.. Another crazy girl moment in my life comes as the result of Facebook.. I can't help it when I see a girl get "just because" flowers and not want some for myself.. I sometimes get frustrated on why I am not getting "just because" flowers.. I feel like Curt should know that others girls are getting those flowers and it is simply just no fair that I don't get any.. I then put myself in the imaginary situation of getting "just because" flowers from Curt.. First, I would ask why he was sending me the flowers.. Were you on bad behavior? Is there something I should know about? Then, it would be well why did you spend that money on flowers which are going to die in a week? Is that something a young couple saving for our future should be doing right now? I then realize why Curt doesn't bring home "just because" flowers.. Honestly, just coming home to me every night should be enough.. Facebook doesn't always tell you why these girls are receiving "just because" flowers and I probably wouldn't want to be in their situations..
I have to admit that I do not believe in soul mates. I feel like you end up with the person who you are compatiable with but also who someone you are willing to make a life with for yourself. All relationships are tough and take worth from both parties involved. I think what I love most about my relationship is that I can be myself at all times and he embraces me for it instead of judging me. I think it is safe to say that Curt and I have an unique relationship.. I think I am a little bit quirky.. You could probably have guessed this by my reference to myself as a duck throughout the post. I don't know why I do this but I find it a little humorous to do it so I keep doing it.. Sometimes I play a game with Curt by talking to him in quacks and I make him guess what I am saying to him.. It is so strange but I can't stop giggling the entire time.. I like to sing songs and insert new words in them.. Normally these songs are about Curt.. Normally these songs are about Curt getting peed and pooped on.... I sang a song about him last week and nothing silly happened to him during the song and he said he didn't know how to react to the song because no bathroom activites happened to him during the song.. Sometimes in the car when we have the radio on I like to sing the songs very off tone in a loud voice to be a little stinker-Curt's words.. It is true though.. I have this crazy habit of when we come home I like to yell into each room I walk in and ask if there is a robber.. I will seriously pee myself if anyone ever answers my question with a yes.. There are probably a thousand other quite frankly strange things I do but I am very lucky to have a relationship with a man who lets me do each and every quirky items..
I hope to have a quirky yet solid relationship with Curt for the rest of my life. I know it will take lots and lots of work, patience and love. I know there will be lots of times where it will be easier to be grouchy than to remember to be nice to your significant other because they are there for you no matter what.. Even if the situation is when you feel like a cow in your clothes, where you are buying your first big boy and girl car (this wasn't the best day of our lives but thankfully we made it through with the help of our bro in law Justin who has had much more experience to be an adult than us), buying your first house ($100k is a lot of money to spend and thus results in stress), watching your Cardinals lose.... again.., or hopefully having your first child..
I hope you enjoyed my crazy blog post tonight. Hopefully I didn't scare anyone away and will come back for more. Leave a comment if you have a suggestion for a topic to be covered in the next coming weeks. As always, thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Mumbo Jumbo
Hello everyone! If you are reading this tonight you are having about as exciting of Saturday night as me. :) I actually think being at home writing a blog on a Saturday night isn't too shabby.. This also means I am seriously getting old.. I guess time is on a 2000 plus winning streak so why fight it.. I mean getting old and writing blogs on a Saturday night beats the alternative of not getting older.. Anywho, I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I just watched my older brother graduate medical school which will probably be my first and last medical school graduation. Congrats to everyone who made it through 4 years of hell/medical school. I am lucky enough this weekend to have a 3 day weekend. Curt and I are going to the zoo and Cardinals game on Sunday with my doctor brother, his wife and their daughter.. I'm very excited! I can't wait to see the penguins on Monday.. The last time Curt and I went to the zoo we saw two penguins making a little baby penguin.. It was a giggle moment to say the least.. :) Anywho, I will warn you the rest of the blog will be very random so read at your own risk..
Treat others as you would want to be treated.. I think this is a golden rule that most people try to live their life around.. It seems to be a pretty straightforward rule and honestly shouldn't be that complicated..I am not a perfect duck.. I find myself violating this standard rule everyday. I say grouchy things to people.. Usually these grouchy statements are made from lack of sleep but they are grouchy nonetheless. I have said grouchy things in the past 20 minutes while watching the Cardinal game.. I may have not so nicely asked Adam Wainwright why he was having such a hard time finding the strike zone.. You may want to insert a couple of even grouchier words.. I struggle with not being able to keep my bothers from work at work where they belong.. If I have a hard day at work, I will sometimes jump down Curt's throat just because he is here. I don't take two seconds to ask myself what would I do if he did this to me? You bet it would not be a very pretty scene.. Luckily, Curt is NOT tightly wound at all.. I am pretty sure that I am tightly wound enough for both of us.. This is honestly one of the most important aspects of our relationship.. If he was like me then I am pretty sure it would be like a volcano hitting a tornado.. I totally ripped that line from Eminem but it is true. I am currently struggling with a person who gets under my skin every time I see this person.. I can't seem to find a way to overlook things in which I should be able to do.. The poster below describes the situation.. Warning.. I don't know how to edit the bad words out so beware.. Sorry Jesus.

This pretty much sums up my situation.. The person has done a few things to hurt my feeling and now I pick at everything the person does.. I would have to say this is not treating someone as I would like to be treated.. I need to do a better job at being a nicer duck and not being a judgemental crazy person..
I lead into this to a pitch for equality.. I am usually conservative and don't get into too much politics because I honestly have views all over the place. I have some Republican views which I am not willing to change and I have some Democratic views in which I am not willing to change either. I promise I won't get into many of those tonight but there is one I truly want to state my opinion on so I can feel a little better.. Remember, this blog was started for therapy so here it goes. I am very happy to live in a country who finally had a president who has finally endorsed gay marriage. Am I a huge Obama supporter?-No.. Am I a really a Democrat? No.. Am I gay? Not that I know of but if the right woman comes around then oh baby, oh baby ;).. jk.. maybe.. ;).. Do I know many gay people? No.. I think I may know one.. So then why am I a supporter of gay marriage if it doesn't concern me at all? Because I believe everyone should be treated as you would want to be treated regardless of their sexual orientation.. No one chooses to be gay.. Why would someone? People are terrible to gay people and our own government won't even give them equal rights.. Did I choose to be straight? No... Last time I checked we should have a complete separation of church and state.. If we are going to bring in what the bible says then maybe we should bring the Koran into the discussion also.. I haven't heard a non-religious argument on why we shouldn't allow everyone equal rights.. If your church doesn't want to marry people who are of the same sex then that is their choice but the government should not have a say in the matter. Also, what are you going to say if your child or grandchild states they are gay? I saw a sign that states straight people keep having gay children.. Just think about it..
I promise I won't have anymore political blog posts anytime soon.. I just am very passionate about allowing every tax payer, every person to have the rights they deserve in this great country. Maybe next week I can make a blog about how I hate the stupid water saver item in shows because of the those darn democrats.. :) I will say I have been trying very, very hard not to think or say things I wouldn't want to be said to me against the Cardinals as they are losing 5-0.....
Thanks for reading my random/venting blog tonight.. Leave a comment if you have any request for a blog topic in the near future.. If you are a Cardinal player and see this, please try and win so I don't stroke out trying to keep my mouth shut about your performance..
Treat others as you would want to be treated.. I think this is a golden rule that most people try to live their life around.. It seems to be a pretty straightforward rule and honestly shouldn't be that complicated..I am not a perfect duck.. I find myself violating this standard rule everyday. I say grouchy things to people.. Usually these grouchy statements are made from lack of sleep but they are grouchy nonetheless. I have said grouchy things in the past 20 minutes while watching the Cardinal game.. I may have not so nicely asked Adam Wainwright why he was having such a hard time finding the strike zone.. You may want to insert a couple of even grouchier words.. I struggle with not being able to keep my bothers from work at work where they belong.. If I have a hard day at work, I will sometimes jump down Curt's throat just because he is here. I don't take two seconds to ask myself what would I do if he did this to me? You bet it would not be a very pretty scene.. Luckily, Curt is NOT tightly wound at all.. I am pretty sure that I am tightly wound enough for both of us.. This is honestly one of the most important aspects of our relationship.. If he was like me then I am pretty sure it would be like a volcano hitting a tornado.. I totally ripped that line from Eminem but it is true. I am currently struggling with a person who gets under my skin every time I see this person.. I can't seem to find a way to overlook things in which I should be able to do.. The poster below describes the situation.. Warning.. I don't know how to edit the bad words out so beware.. Sorry Jesus.
This pretty much sums up my situation.. The person has done a few things to hurt my feeling and now I pick at everything the person does.. I would have to say this is not treating someone as I would like to be treated.. I need to do a better job at being a nicer duck and not being a judgemental crazy person..
I lead into this to a pitch for equality.. I am usually conservative and don't get into too much politics because I honestly have views all over the place. I have some Republican views which I am not willing to change and I have some Democratic views in which I am not willing to change either. I promise I won't get into many of those tonight but there is one I truly want to state my opinion on so I can feel a little better.. Remember, this blog was started for therapy so here it goes. I am very happy to live in a country who finally had a president who has finally endorsed gay marriage. Am I a huge Obama supporter?-No.. Am I a really a Democrat? No.. Am I gay? Not that I know of but if the right woman comes around then oh baby, oh baby ;).. jk.. maybe.. ;).. Do I know many gay people? No.. I think I may know one.. So then why am I a supporter of gay marriage if it doesn't concern me at all? Because I believe everyone should be treated as you would want to be treated regardless of their sexual orientation.. No one chooses to be gay.. Why would someone? People are terrible to gay people and our own government won't even give them equal rights.. Did I choose to be straight? No... Last time I checked we should have a complete separation of church and state.. If we are going to bring in what the bible says then maybe we should bring the Koran into the discussion also.. I haven't heard a non-religious argument on why we shouldn't allow everyone equal rights.. If your church doesn't want to marry people who are of the same sex then that is their choice but the government should not have a say in the matter. Also, what are you going to say if your child or grandchild states they are gay? I saw a sign that states straight people keep having gay children.. Just think about it..
I promise I won't have anymore political blog posts anytime soon.. I just am very passionate about allowing every tax payer, every person to have the rights they deserve in this great country. Maybe next week I can make a blog about how I hate the stupid water saver item in shows because of the those darn democrats.. :) I will say I have been trying very, very hard not to think or say things I wouldn't want to be said to me against the Cardinals as they are losing 5-0.....
Thanks for reading my random/venting blog tonight.. Leave a comment if you have any request for a blog topic in the near future.. If you are a Cardinal player and see this, please try and win so I don't stroke out trying to keep my mouth shut about your performance..
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Hello!! It has been awhile since I checked in.. To say I have been busy may be an understatement.. I do have to give a shoutout to my older brother Morgan, who does not at all read my blog, about graduating medical school on Saturday.. Dr. Morgan Schiermeier M.D.. Yeah!! I am ready for him to start writing prescriptions so I will never ever go to a real non-brother doctor again.. I find this hilarious as I am currently taking 0 prescriptions now and haven't in the past couple of years because I have a pretty decent immune system and when I do get sick I feel like I can beat it myself without any help.. Oh well.. I honestly had no idea what to blog about this week.. I apparently did not take enough baths this week. I decided that since I am not able to think that I would enlighten you with one of my favorite things, trivia!!! I hope you enjoy and maybe learn a little along the way.. Btw, if you have ANY suggestions on what to blog about next please leave a comment here or on Facebook.. My sister suggested I write a blog about my childhood but that may take a year or two to prepare.. One day I will let everyone know all the crazy things I did as a kiddo.. I just don't think the blogging world is ready for the life of Hannah Schiermeier yet.. :)
What's the most non-contagious disease in the world? Tooth Decay.... I believe dentists should advertise this fact a little more. I would so not have waited 13 years between dentist visits if I knew this little tidbit..
What lake is the only lake in the world which has sharks? This question is for Kristin.. Answer...Lake Nicaragua in the Republic of Nicaragua.. I bet you thought you were safe by swimming in a lake and then it is a gotcha kind of moments where you pee in the lake bc you didn't expect a shark to be in the lake with you..
Which state in the USA only has one syllable? Maine... Very random
What is the only word in the English language which ends in "mt"? Dreamt.. I almost blogged about dreaming tonight so I had to include this today..
Does a duck's quack echo? I obviously included this because I am a duck and I knew the answer to this because I obviously quack all the time.. The answer is that it does echo! *quack quack*
What percentage of people lie daily? 91%.... Wow.. People suck.. I am not going to lie, I may have lied today.... Think about this.... :)
I just found this funny so it I had to include it...When the University Of Nebraska plays a sellout home football game, the stadium becomes the state's third largest city......
What is the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter? uncopyrightable... Your mission for the day should be to use this word in a sentence today :)
What would Barbie's measurements be if she was a real life girl? 39-22-33.. Oh my word... I bet she would have a HORRIBLE time finding clothes..
Before the introduction of the hair dryer in 1920, what common household appliance was promoted for its hair dryer ability? A vacuum cleaner! Omg! And I thought using a scortching hot flat iron was bad for my hair.. Haha
What was the first living creature ever ejected from a supersonic aircraft? A bear, in 1962.. It parachuted from 35,000 ft to safe landing on earth.. I think the next logical question is why was the earth ejected from an aircraft? Why was a bear on an aircraft in a position to be ejected? Who put the parachute on the bear? This is such a weird senario..
Why does the Bronx Zoo get blood daily from a local slaughterhouse? To feed its vampire bats.. Curt got this trivia question right.. He is full of random knowledge about all sorts of animals..
For what magazine did Hugh Hefner serve as a circulation manager while he was raising money to start Playboy? Children's Activities Magazines.... I wonder if the kids reading Children's Activities graduated to reading Hefner's next magazine.. He got their money twice.. Good marketing Hugh..
Finally, what problem did Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Eidson and General George Patton all have in common? aixelsyd
I hope you enjoyed my very random blog post.. Leave a comment on a suggestion for a blog post so my blog doesn't die so soon.. That would be sad!
What's the most non-contagious disease in the world? Tooth Decay.... I believe dentists should advertise this fact a little more. I would so not have waited 13 years between dentist visits if I knew this little tidbit..
What lake is the only lake in the world which has sharks? This question is for Kristin.. Answer...Lake Nicaragua in the Republic of Nicaragua.. I bet you thought you were safe by swimming in a lake and then it is a gotcha kind of moments where you pee in the lake bc you didn't expect a shark to be in the lake with you..
Which state in the USA only has one syllable? Maine... Very random
What is the only word in the English language which ends in "mt"? Dreamt.. I almost blogged about dreaming tonight so I had to include this today..
Does a duck's quack echo? I obviously included this because I am a duck and I knew the answer to this because I obviously quack all the time.. The answer is that it does echo! *quack quack*
What percentage of people lie daily? 91%.... Wow.. People suck.. I am not going to lie, I may have lied today.... Think about this.... :)
I just found this funny so it I had to include it...When the University Of Nebraska plays a sellout home football game, the stadium becomes the state's third largest city......
What is the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter? uncopyrightable... Your mission for the day should be to use this word in a sentence today :)
What would Barbie's measurements be if she was a real life girl? 39-22-33.. Oh my word... I bet she would have a HORRIBLE time finding clothes..
Before the introduction of the hair dryer in 1920, what common household appliance was promoted for its hair dryer ability? A vacuum cleaner! Omg! And I thought using a scortching hot flat iron was bad for my hair.. Haha
What was the first living creature ever ejected from a supersonic aircraft? A bear, in 1962.. It parachuted from 35,000 ft to safe landing on earth.. I think the next logical question is why was the earth ejected from an aircraft? Why was a bear on an aircraft in a position to be ejected? Who put the parachute on the bear? This is such a weird senario..
Why does the Bronx Zoo get blood daily from a local slaughterhouse? To feed its vampire bats.. Curt got this trivia question right.. He is full of random knowledge about all sorts of animals..
For what magazine did Hugh Hefner serve as a circulation manager while he was raising money to start Playboy? Children's Activities Magazines.... I wonder if the kids reading Children's Activities graduated to reading Hefner's next magazine.. He got their money twice.. Good marketing Hugh..
Finally, what problem did Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Eidson and General George Patton all have in common? aixelsyd
I hope you enjoyed my very random blog post.. Leave a comment on a suggestion for a blog post so my blog doesn't die so soon.. That would be sad!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Happy May everyone!! I seriously can't believe it is already May.. I remember my younger days when I couldn't wait for May so I could be out of school but now I only look forward to May so the students will get out of Columbia so I can have my town back.. I am so old.. I told myself this would never happen and look here I am turning into my Mom.. Yikes! I guess there are lots of worse people to turn into I guess.. Okay back to my blog.. I hope you enjoy the post today and don't think I am a crazy duck. :)
It should be no surprise to anyone who reads my blog that I came up with this blog idea while taking a bath.. I swear I do my best thinking in the tub and right before I am going to sleep.. I was soaking after the gym one evening with my Pandora playing in the background and the song Ironic came on by Alanis Morissette came on.. Now, don't get me wrong I love this song but everytime I hear it I always think about how ironic it is that her song is not ironic at all.. I really listened to the lyrics and I decided that this should really be called the Ugh Song because each of those situations she describes is what I refer to as an ugh situation. I mean if I really had 10,000 spoons when all I needed was a knife, I'd really be saying ugh and then I would wonder where in the world I got 10,000 spoons. If a black fly landed in my Chardonnay, I'd still drink it so that really doesn't say ugh to me.. I would say more protein and move on.. This is because I seriously may be the least germaphobe person on earth.. I was thinking in my mind about what my complete ugh moments would be and of course thought of a perfect blog post... Also, I want to write Alanis Morissette and complain about her non-ironic song. I have a feeling she wrote this song on purpose to play a funny joke on everyday.. I mean, here I am blogging about her stupid, non-ironic song.. I figure she is sitting on millions of dollars because of a stupid song.. Well played Alanis, well played.. So, I hope you enjoy all my ugh moments and once I am done, hopefully you don't think I am a complete crazy person..
I had an ugh moment about 5 minutes before I started this blog. It should be said that I prefer laying in my bed to anything else. I feel a couch is overrated as it doesn't have the comfiness of my bed.. So I drag my butt up the stairs in my apartment, get comfy in my bed and then start up my computer to start my post and that nagging feeling hits me... I did not bring up new water.. You would think since I have an obsession of having fresh water with me that I would be a very hydrated person... Wrong.. I am probably one of the least hydrated people on earth but I like the idea of having water if I want it, immediately... I had water leftover from last night but I refuse to drink it because it will probably have dust in it.. By probably have dust in it, I mean it does.. Dusting is not my best thing.... By not my best thing, I am I don't usually believe in dusting.. If you are a dust freak, please avoid my house.. I keep it normally clean but dusting is not my favorite thing.. I have learned to live with this fact.. However, my mother has not yet let this go and still nags me to dust.. Anywho back to the ugh moment.. My obsession with having fresh water was a major ugh moment for me.. I had to go all the way back down the stairs to find a glass and then stand there for the extra minute to fill up the glass then walk all the way up the stairs... I will admit, I still haven't touched the stupid glass of fresh water...
I guess I should have clarified what an ugh moment is to me.. An ugh moment is not a tragic moment. For example, if I came home and Curt was getting frisky with another lady duck, that would not be an ugh moment... This would be I am going to kill a kid moment.. An ugh moment isn't when you get in your car and the battery doesn't work.. This is a I want to break down and cry for 3 hours moment because it sucks to be an adult.. An ugh moment is a moment that is just irritating enough that you have to do something but definitely not the worst part of your day...
I think one of the WORST ugh moments is when I wake up 2 minutes before my alarm goes off.. My alarm everyday will go off every weekend at 6:37 a.m.. I know it is an odd time but that gives me an extra 2 minutes of sleep from 6:35 am but still enough time not to run late like if I woke up at 6:40 am.. I HATE it when I wake up and see my alarm reading 6:35 am.... I am pretty sure when this happens I verbally go UGHHHHHHHH and pretend this isn't happening.. I think this is God's way to torture me for all the times I have had bad behavior lately.. Nice move, God, nice move.
I have an ugh moment everynight when I lay down to sleep and realize that my bladder needs to be emptied... I think my bladder is empty until I lay down to sleep and then suddenly it must be emptied.. I must take myself out of the most perfect fortitude of pillows and blankets to make the 20 foot journey to the bathroom.. Don't worry, I am not able to find that perfect fortitude back after I come back to my bed.. Ugh.....
Getting in my car and realizing I can't wait another day to convince Curt to fill up the empty gas tank.... Ugh.....
Turning on my Ipod at the gym only to realize that it is dead and you took a chance and didn't bring your Iphone for music.. Ugh....
Opening the freezer and realizing you have the ice cream you have been craving only to realize your husband ate all of it and left it in the freezer.. Double Ugh.....
Getting all cozy to watch tv only to realize the remote is nowhere to be find.... Instead of getting up and changing the channel, you spend 10 minutes searching only to find the remote is where it is supposed to be... Ugh...
Planning an outfit around an item of clothing but when you go to put on this smoking hot outfit to learn the necessary item isn't clean.... Ugh....
Turning on your computer to check Facebook and the internet isn't working.... Ugh...
Deciding to take a chance and wear jeans and everyone else is in dresses.. Ugh...
Waking up for an appointment only to find out the power went out and your appointment started 20 minutes ago.. Big Ugh...
Going to check out with a load of groceries only to remember your debit card is in a different purse... Embarrassing Ugh....
Getting excited for your favorite show only to see it is a rerun.. Ugh.. This better not happen to me with The New Girl tonight..... Anyone who doesn't watch this show should check it out.. It is fantastic..
Getting your haircut and realizing the stylist took off way, way too much hair.. Ugh...
Having a plan in your head and then realizing it won't happen.. Disappointing Ugh....
Picking a stall in a public restroom only to find you picked the wrong one.. Big time... This may be above an ugh but I think it is worthy enough to be noted..
I could go on all day about the ughs in my life but I won't bore everyone.. I hope you enjoyed the post.. Maybe in the near future I will do a blog post on Woot Woot moments we all enjoy.. As always, thanks for reading!!
It should be no surprise to anyone who reads my blog that I came up with this blog idea while taking a bath.. I swear I do my best thinking in the tub and right before I am going to sleep.. I was soaking after the gym one evening with my Pandora playing in the background and the song Ironic came on by Alanis Morissette came on.. Now, don't get me wrong I love this song but everytime I hear it I always think about how ironic it is that her song is not ironic at all.. I really listened to the lyrics and I decided that this should really be called the Ugh Song because each of those situations she describes is what I refer to as an ugh situation. I mean if I really had 10,000 spoons when all I needed was a knife, I'd really be saying ugh and then I would wonder where in the world I got 10,000 spoons. If a black fly landed in my Chardonnay, I'd still drink it so that really doesn't say ugh to me.. I would say more protein and move on.. This is because I seriously may be the least germaphobe person on earth.. I was thinking in my mind about what my complete ugh moments would be and of course thought of a perfect blog post... Also, I want to write Alanis Morissette and complain about her non-ironic song. I have a feeling she wrote this song on purpose to play a funny joke on everyday.. I mean, here I am blogging about her stupid, non-ironic song.. I figure she is sitting on millions of dollars because of a stupid song.. Well played Alanis, well played.. So, I hope you enjoy all my ugh moments and once I am done, hopefully you don't think I am a complete crazy person..
I had an ugh moment about 5 minutes before I started this blog. It should be said that I prefer laying in my bed to anything else. I feel a couch is overrated as it doesn't have the comfiness of my bed.. So I drag my butt up the stairs in my apartment, get comfy in my bed and then start up my computer to start my post and that nagging feeling hits me... I did not bring up new water.. You would think since I have an obsession of having fresh water with me that I would be a very hydrated person... Wrong.. I am probably one of the least hydrated people on earth but I like the idea of having water if I want it, immediately... I had water leftover from last night but I refuse to drink it because it will probably have dust in it.. By probably have dust in it, I mean it does.. Dusting is not my best thing.... By not my best thing, I am I don't usually believe in dusting.. If you are a dust freak, please avoid my house.. I keep it normally clean but dusting is not my favorite thing.. I have learned to live with this fact.. However, my mother has not yet let this go and still nags me to dust.. Anywho back to the ugh moment.. My obsession with having fresh water was a major ugh moment for me.. I had to go all the way back down the stairs to find a glass and then stand there for the extra minute to fill up the glass then walk all the way up the stairs... I will admit, I still haven't touched the stupid glass of fresh water...
I guess I should have clarified what an ugh moment is to me.. An ugh moment is not a tragic moment. For example, if I came home and Curt was getting frisky with another lady duck, that would not be an ugh moment... This would be I am going to kill a kid moment.. An ugh moment isn't when you get in your car and the battery doesn't work.. This is a I want to break down and cry for 3 hours moment because it sucks to be an adult.. An ugh moment is a moment that is just irritating enough that you have to do something but definitely not the worst part of your day...
I think one of the WORST ugh moments is when I wake up 2 minutes before my alarm goes off.. My alarm everyday will go off every weekend at 6:37 a.m.. I know it is an odd time but that gives me an extra 2 minutes of sleep from 6:35 am but still enough time not to run late like if I woke up at 6:40 am.. I HATE it when I wake up and see my alarm reading 6:35 am.... I am pretty sure when this happens I verbally go UGHHHHHHHH and pretend this isn't happening.. I think this is God's way to torture me for all the times I have had bad behavior lately.. Nice move, God, nice move.
I have an ugh moment everynight when I lay down to sleep and realize that my bladder needs to be emptied... I think my bladder is empty until I lay down to sleep and then suddenly it must be emptied.. I must take myself out of the most perfect fortitude of pillows and blankets to make the 20 foot journey to the bathroom.. Don't worry, I am not able to find that perfect fortitude back after I come back to my bed.. Ugh.....
Getting in my car and realizing I can't wait another day to convince Curt to fill up the empty gas tank.... Ugh.....
Turning on my Ipod at the gym only to realize that it is dead and you took a chance and didn't bring your Iphone for music.. Ugh....
Opening the freezer and realizing you have the ice cream you have been craving only to realize your husband ate all of it and left it in the freezer.. Double Ugh.....
Getting all cozy to watch tv only to realize the remote is nowhere to be find.... Instead of getting up and changing the channel, you spend 10 minutes searching only to find the remote is where it is supposed to be... Ugh...
Planning an outfit around an item of clothing but when you go to put on this smoking hot outfit to learn the necessary item isn't clean.... Ugh....
Turning on your computer to check Facebook and the internet isn't working.... Ugh...
Deciding to take a chance and wear jeans and everyone else is in dresses.. Ugh...
Waking up for an appointment only to find out the power went out and your appointment started 20 minutes ago.. Big Ugh...
Going to check out with a load of groceries only to remember your debit card is in a different purse... Embarrassing Ugh....
Getting excited for your favorite show only to see it is a rerun.. Ugh.. This better not happen to me with The New Girl tonight..... Anyone who doesn't watch this show should check it out.. It is fantastic..
Getting your haircut and realizing the stylist took off way, way too much hair.. Ugh...
Having a plan in your head and then realizing it won't happen.. Disappointing Ugh....
Picking a stall in a public restroom only to find you picked the wrong one.. Big time... This may be above an ugh but I think it is worthy enough to be noted..
I could go on all day about the ughs in my life but I won't bore everyone.. I hope you enjoyed the post.. Maybe in the near future I will do a blog post on Woot Woot moments we all enjoy.. As always, thanks for reading!!
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