Monday, July 2, 2012


Holy cow blog I have totally neglected you lately.. I must apologize for my bad behavior.. I have been cheating on you with Christian Grey..  Okay before I get into all the good stuff about Christian Grey I must take a step back.. I love, love, love to read. I don't understand how people can tell me that they just don't enjoy books. I am a firm believer that there are not many things better than a good book. I find myself wrapped up in a book until I have read every single page. I must say that I live and die through book characters. I get so, so sad when a really I have completed a really good book. It is like the characters have become my new best friends and I imagine myself as the main character. Sometimes I find myself having dreams of the characters.. I pretty much become obsessed.. Anyway, hope you enjoy my blog post today on my latest read plus some of my past reads that can't be forgotten. Enjoy!!

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of the book Fifty Shades of Grey. This is how it usually goes for me.. I will hear the hype about a book and then I will resist it for awhile but I will always give in a read the book.. I have to admit, more times than not the book is usually really good! I had heard that Fifty Shades of Grey was basically like reading 400 pages of porn.. I debated for awhile asking myself do I really want to be known as that girl who is reading the naughty books? Luckily I have a Nook and I don't even have to go to a store to buy a book so no one would have to know what my eyes were wondering on.. So I started the book and boy people were right on the erotic writing. I felt a little weird hearing adults admitting they were enjoying the same book I was reading. I just tried to block that out of my mind while I was reading about naughties. I kept wondering if I was really adult enough to read this and trust me, by no means am I a pure little angel. I mean, I'm not a promiscious girl but I don't live in a box. So as I was feeling a little awkward by the book I decided that I actually really enjoyed it. It took me a little bit to admit this but it was true. I did have to giggle sometimes when I was reading a very graphic paragraph knowing the people around me had no idea what I was reading.. When I felt like being a silly duck, I would read Curt passages out of the book. I think he was happy for the book to be finished so he didn't have to hear the naughty parts but a little sad because he now doesn't get to play his video games as much as he did for the 8 days I was reading the books.

Fifty Shades of Grey is a typical romance novel though with just more graphic parts. It makes us women hate our husbands because they aren't as sweet as the fictional characters in the books. Romance novels are like the movie The Notebook, they are both fiction but all women believe men should act like this in their everyday life.. I am pretty sure if Curt started talking all sweet to me I would be weirded out or jump to an irrational conclusion of him cheating on me.. It is suprising that men haven't evolved into liking men lol. I would definitely recommend reading Fifty Shades of Grey though. It is a bit of a kick labido which is good for us ladies! Plus, you can talk to all of your girlfriends about what they are secretely reading in their beds before bedtime!

I did a complete 180 turn and borrowed 2 books from the library by Jodi Picoult. I had read a book by her before called The Pact. It was a really good read but a little sad. It was about a teenage boy being on trial for helping his girlfriend commit suicide. It was a really interesting read and I couldn't put it down. I decided to try her again with the book Vanishing Act. It was about a girl who was kidnapped by her father when she was 4 and now her father is on trial for her kidnapping 24 years after she was kidnapped. She has lived with him her whole life without knowing and her father was a really good father to her. It was interesting read also. It didn't end how I wanted but they all can't be perfect I guess. I am reading the book 19 Minutes by her now. I must say I am 102 pages into it and it is a little bit of a slow read. It is about a school shooting a very serious subject. I will keep you updated on how it is going because I will do a better job of blogging now that I have a life again after finishing my Fifty Shades of Grey series.

The Hunger Games, Twilight and Harry Potter are all series I have read. I really tried to avoid Harry Potter because a series about wizards sounded dumb to me.. I was really missing out because it may be my favorites series. I am trying to get my husband to read the series so we can talk about it but thus far he has resisted being overly nerdy and hasn't read the series. I did manage to talk him into reading The Hunger Games which he couldn't put down for weeks. Curt always obsesses over the books he reads but will tell you he didn't like it.. I think that may be a man thing.. I didn't bring up the Twilight series to him because I have no chance.. I can't even get him to watch the movies. I'm not a crazy Twilight fan but I must admit, I did enjoy the read.. I was Team Jacob though just to clarify!

I ALWAYS want suggestions on good books to read. I sometimes find myself spending hours reading comments on book in which I am thinking of downloading on my Nook. I always like to hear what my friends are reading. Drop me a comment/message on a suggestion for a new book. Who knows, it may end up as a blog post!! As always, thanks for reading.. Be safe for the 4th and if you are in a state with a drought avoid shooting off fireworks especially if my work insures in your state!


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