Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I have been the worst little blogger over the last couple of weeks. If you are reading this for the only purpose of Curt and I's blog questions, I will stop you right there, no questions in this post. Curt and I are about halfway through our questions. We received a 100 different questions for our friends/family.. I was shocked at the willingness to participate by people. This also means that if you have questions to submit, have at it. Curt and I promise.. Well I promise for me and I'll make Curt do it... 

Speaking of Curt.. We celebrated my birthday this month and national boss day! We celebrated boss day because I am just so dang good at bossing him around.. Haha. I told him that I was expecting a present.. Sadly, the big boss day holiday is the day after my birthday so he said he combined the two holidays.... I now understand what it is like to have a birthday by a major holiday. You would so get cheated if you had a birthday around Christmas or Columbus Day... Here is my short rant about Columbus Day.. This should not be a holiday. Columbus first did not even discover America! He came to America and took land from the Native Americans, who obviously found America first hence them I dunno.. living on the land.. Second, he raped, killed and passed stds to the Native Americans.. Yay government for making this a holiday! No way can government workers get the day after Thanksgiving for a real holiday off, Black Friday, but we give them this holiday.. Grrrrrr!! I also had a birthday mixed into this month.. 25 years old... I am now closer to 30 than to 20.. This hurts my heart a little.. I was a little emotional about this new age.. I don't want to really get older.. 24 honestly was my best age.. After some serious thinking, I have decided 25 will have to be my best year.. If not, I will drink a looooot of wine.. I am also going to have my friend, Kristin, who can get anything done with letters send a letter to the Cardinals to stop losing on my birthday! Hello.. Don't they understand it is my birthday! Ugh, leave it to men to mess things up..

Back to major events in my life.. Curt and I got up the courage last weekend to talk to our bank about getting a mortgage. Luckily, the loan officer was an old family friend and she made everything really, really comfortable and easy. First, figuring out what to wear to an interview for money is a little confusing. It is kind of like a tamer mullet.. Do I go business or do I go for a more relaxed look. Curt and I seriously had a debate about our clothes. We went for a relaxed look because it was Saturday and with someone we knew.. Otherwise, we would have went business. I will later have the debate to what you wear for looking for a home.. Man, the thoughts that go through my hair.. A random fact about Hannah is that I have pretty bad anxiety. I can literally think of all the horrible outcomes we can hear from the loan officer in about 10 seconds.. While in our "interview" I think we both started to feel like big time adults. We were asking about fees, monthly payments, insurance (I rocked this section) and escrow payments.. The officer once told us we could save about $50k in interest if we go for a shorter mortgage..... Not $50 dollars... $50,0000... Omg! Fortunately it all worked out and Curt and I are almost ready to make the big boy and girl decision of a house.. I hope we don't divorce..

My final thought for my short blog tonight is about Halloween. I am on the "fun" committee for my work this year so I am getting in the Halloween spirit.. I have decided after many hours of Pinterest creeping (I wish I was kidding) to be the beanie baby duck, Quackers. I have to give a shout out to my sister-in-law, Heather, and my sister, Emma, for making my sign and lending me duck clothes. Stay tuned for pictures. I ordered a sweet duck hat that quacks and has flapping wings.. Emma has nicely let me borrow some yellow rain boots. I am stoked! I like how adults act like they don't like Halloween at all but I think they may like it just as much as the kids. We had a cubicle decorating contest at work and so many people actually seemed to be in a better mood because of the silly little decorations. I wish I could trick or treat still and no get looked at silly. Getting free candy is amazing! Going door to door is a little creepy but you can't win them all. I need to find a little kid to be friends with for trick or treating in a non-molester kind of way. I also don't like men in masks.. Normally to me that would be robber but for one night I have to overlook that.. No way! 20/20 on WE has taught me otherwise. 

Thanks for reading my quick blog. I promise soon to have the questions completed. I hope everyone has a nice Halloween. I am secretly going to creep on every Halloween picture people post on Facebook.. Don't hit any trick or treater with a car, this will make your car insurance go up and have bad results for the superman/batman/princess/animal you hit. 


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