Monday, November 5, 2012


Omgsh.. Two posts within a month.. Hell must be freezing over soon.. :) First off, I must say I won't be calling out any political party that much.. So all of my extreme liberal and conservative friends can keep reading if you desire.... I hope you enjoy!!

Who reading this is extemely happy to have their regular tv commercials back after tomorrow. I never thought I cared much about commercials but now I know to never take these 30 to 60 second ads for granted again. I am literally sitting here watching Wheel of Fortune (I am so old) and I have not seen one single commercial that is a political ad. Why we are on the subject of political ads, how do some of these make the air? I sometimes watch an ad for a candidate and feel like it was an attack ad on the person it is supposed to be for.. I will watch the whole ad and say there is no way in hell I am voting for this person.. Bad, bad advertising.. My friend Kristin needs to tear into these ads and make them acceptable. I am a HUGE believer in a separation of church and state.. If you mention your church, I am not voting for you.. This is my new decision. There are thousands of people in the USA who are NOT Christian and that makes me mad to leave people out.. Also, if you are a male politican and you look like you are wearing more makeup than Lady Gaga, strike two.. If you air a commercial being a meanie butt to someone then I am not voting for you.. If you are named Todd Akin then I will never ever vote for you.. Enough ranting about him..

Speaking of voting, I think everyone needs to take a second tomorrow and honestly understand how important it is that we can have a free election. (If you are reading this outside the USA, first off, you rock and secondly, sorry about this blanket statement.). There are so many countries out there who do not let people choose what "douchebag" candidate they have as a leader. We/I do not get in any trouble for posting our opinions on the internet/Facebook/blogs or even speaking what we believe in. Democrat/Republican/Blue or Green we can all agree that this is one of the many freedoms we have and we shouldn't take it for granted. Whomever gets elected tomorrow will still be by a free election and a whole heck of a lot better than so many other places. Just remember that tomorrow..

Curt and I for the first time ever in our relationship will be voting for the same person for the main event tomorrow. In years past we both took great joy in canceling out each other's vote. It gives you a little more incentive to vote. We started thinking about a month ago how to make our vote "count" a little more this election since we aren't voting different. We have decided that tomorrow when we cast our vote we will be casting our vote with a little bonus of canceling out that one person who has annoyed the crap out of you this political season. I have been joking with a very conservative co-worker for the last month that I will be canceling out his vote. He doesn't annoy me so I am not sure if tomorrow he will be my wild card cancel vote or not. I may have to "cancel" out his vote just because he gets so worked up about my slightly liberal views. Curt has his person completely nailed out to cancel tomorrow. I suggest you try this little trick.. It adds a little bonus to voting and I bet you have a little chuckle about you win..

Speaking of friends, I am ready to have mine back. I think some of my friends may not like my views on certain subjects just as they do not like mine. Luckily after the election (give people a few days to cool off either way..) we will start having lollipop/rainbows/puppies statuses because Christmas is coming up soon and people will start getting days off of work (thank you Thanksgiving). I love that Facebook/media forums gives people a voice to be heard. I honestly have been surprised about how intelligent some of my friends are on subjects even if I do not agree. On the other hand, I have been surprised at how some people blantantly ignore/blast whole groups of people without thinking twice about it. That completely upsets me because people are still people. I once heard a person talking horribly about illegal immigrants coming into our country and I heard the best response to these ignorant comments.. The person responded by asking what would you do if you had a starving family? Don't you realize those people are unfortunate to be born in a place without wealth and ultimately they are mothers/fathers/sisters/brothers/people trying to take care of those whom they love. Wouldn't you do everything in your power to take care of your family also?

On that note, hopefully you didn't think I was a crazy person who insults the who world. I hope everyone who is of age tomorrow votes, whether you are voting with me or picking me to cancel out my vote. Just remember, only two more days until we have our tv commercials back. As always, thanks for reading..

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